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22 July 2019

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22 July 2019

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18 July 2019

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The Government of Georgia has approved the Strategy for Development of High Mountain Settlements

16 July 2019

Estimated budget for the implementation of the two-year Action Plan totals 700 million GEL.

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16 July 2019

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12 July 2019

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12 July 2019

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12 July 2019

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11 July 2019

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10 July 2019

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10 July 2019

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9 July 2019

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5 July 2019

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4 July 2019

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4 July 2019

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4 July 2019

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2 July 2019

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29 June 2019

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28 June 2019

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28 June 2019

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