Maia Tskitishvili – we are an attractive country for international investments due to an open market

Maia Tskitishvili – we are an attractive country for international investments due to an open market
30 August 2018The business visit of Georgian delegation in the city of Urumqi of the People’s Republic of China led by Vice Premier of Georgia, Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure Maia Tskitishvili, keeps on proceeding. Within the referenced visit the Vice Premier gave a speech at China-Eurasia Economic Cooperation Forum: “Belt and Road – Construction, Participation and Common Benefit”.
Maia Tskitishvili noted that the China-Eurasia Expo and Forum is an impressive possibility for further deepening of commercial links, relations between peoples and contacts among business circles.
Vice-Premier made an emphasize also on importance of the “Belt and Road” initiative by the President of the People’s Republic of China.
“Whilst economic mutual dependence between the countries increases on a permanent basis, initiative of the united belt and road will considerably revive the ancient silk road, from the modernity standpoint. It will create the means of innovative trade that will form the new options for local and regional infrastructural projects as well as for the ones in the field of transport and power engineering” – Maia Tskitishvili stated.
At the beginning of her speech the Vice Premier thanked the Government of China for inviting Georgia to the first international import Expo which is to be held in Shanghai in November. The Georgian delegation will be represented at the Expo at the highest level as it will be led by Georgian Prime Minister and our country will have its own pavilion for placing the stands of Georgian companies. Maia Tskitishvili highlighted also importance of the event, objective of which is to attract the import at the amount of 10 trillion USD from the whole world and expressed the hope that it would be an effective tool to support the trade. As per Maia Tskitishvili, united belt – united road initiative will dramatically increase investments, assist to formation of the new workplaces and improvement of social economic wellbeing. In accordance with Ms. Tskitishvili, silk road forum has already been held in Tbilisi City twice and this is a very good example of how the united belt and road initiative is supported by Georgia.
In the process of making the speech the Vice Premier confirmed that the Georgian side completely agrees with all five basic priorities of the united belt and road initiative: cooperation in the field of sectoral policy, connections between infrastructural facilities, trade without impede, financial integration and relations between people. Ms. Tskitishvili also said that Georgia had been one of the first countries which signed the Memorandum of Cooperation with the People’s Republic of China and it was focused on development of economic belt of the silk road.
Maia Tskitishvili talked also about importance of activation of free trade between China and Georgia and noted that increasing trade turnover between the referenced two countries amounted to 939.54 million USD last year.
The Vice Premier highlighted that favorable policy towards the business and geopolitical location of the country forms auspicious position for the country in order the latter to become the regional center of investment possibilities.
“Although of small size, we are still very attractive country for international investments because of an open market, liberal economy and strategic location. We are the strategic partners of the USA, and an associated member of the EU. We also have free trade mode with China, EU, European Free Trade Association, states of the CIS and Turkey” – Maia Tskitishvili declared.
Vice Premier stated that applying of transit potential of Georgia is one of the priorities of Georgian Government. As an example she pointed at large scale infrastructural projects that undergo implementation, inter alia: construction of Anaklia New Deep Sea Port, improvement of east-west high-speed highway, construction of Baku-Tbilisi-Kars new railway line, development of modern logistic centers in Tbilisi and Kutaisi and railway modernization.
Maia Tskitishvili declared that these projects will increase general abilities of Georgia from transport standpoint and assist to it to be promoted as the transit country. Ms. Tskitishvili also highlighted importance of activation of Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway section for the connections throughout the region as well as from the point of cooperation encouragement and noted that the project will create an effective railway corridor from the Caspian Sea in the direction of Europe.
Vice Premier emphasized once again that Georgia is devoted to the obligations undertaken and the country will do its best in order the cooperation with concerned circles to be further consolidated.
“Our objective is to offer unprecedented business resources to all those, looking for investment possibilities in rapidly growing fields of the country. These are: power engineering, tourism, production, regional service, logistics and agro-business” – at the end of her speech Maia Tskitishvili stated.
Along with the members of the delegation, Vice Premier visited the Expo of China today, at which the Chinese as well as the companies of many other countries were represented. “Unfortunately, Georgian companies have not attended the present exhibition this time, however as I have already noted under my speech, we are under active phase of preparation for the import exhibition to take place in Shanghai in November in which the delegation of Georgia, led by Georgian Prime Minister, will participate” – Maia Tskitishvili stated.