Maya Tskitishvili - „Budget planned with consideration for people’s needs“

Maya Tskitishvili - „Budget planned with consideration for people’s needs“
18 November 2018Maya Tskitishvili, Vice premier and Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia held meetings with population of Imereti Region and heard their needs and initiatives.
„Admittedly, the Municipality conveys to us people’s requirements and problems and we in turn plan the year 2019 budget with consideration for people’s needs. We will continue our meetings with municipalities, in order to immediately on the spot familiarize ourselves with their problems and better plan our activities and our budget.“
The Vice Premier met with population of Zestaponi village Sanakhshire, Tskaltubo and Khoni. Villagers and representatives of municipalities emphasized top priority infrastructural needs to be solved in the first place. The Vice Premier, in turn, furnished the population with information on infrastructural projects planned in their particular municipality and the region, in general. Maya Tskitishvili especially focused on importance of active cooperation of the population and local authorities, in order to locally determine regional priority issues and sectors.
In Village Chkvishi of Vani Municipality, Maya Tskitishvili also visited Galaktion Tabidze’s house-museum and congratulated the public for Galaktion’s anniversary. In the first place, she noted that it is his 127-the anniversary and that generations were and will be brought up in the surroundings of Galaktion’s poetry. In her opinion, unique feature and flavor of Galaktion’s lyrics are determined by the beauty of his native land and stunning birth place. According to the Vice Premier, in 2019, a kindergarten designed for 75 kids will be constructed in village Sazano of Zestaponi municipality, and construction of public school for 112 pupils will be completed in village Argveti. Public schools of villages: Shorapani, Tskhratskaro, Kveda Sazano and Meore Sviri will undergo rehabilitation. In 2020, rehabilitation of dispensaries will be implemented in 16 villages and construction of the new dispensary will be completed in village Zovreti. Damaged roads in Zestaponi streets will be subjected to rehabilitation and a number of village roads will undergo restoration process.
As for Tskaltubo Municipality, a public school for 135 pupils will be constructed in Tskaltubo and a public school #1 designed for 203 pupils will be completed in Geguti. School construction works will be implemented by the Municipal Development Fund of Georgia. Total funding allocated for construction of both schools averages GEL 8 million 500 thousand. In 2020, 8 village dispensaries will be subjected to rehabilitation, repair of 3 more village dispensaries will be completed in 2019. In 2019, internal damaged roads of the villages of Tskaltubo municipality will undergo rehabilitation works, drainage canals will also be arranged and rehabilitated. In course of the same year, as a result of arrangement-rehabilitation of town Tskaltubo wastewater and potable water networks, 1000 households will enjoy improved water supply. Construction and rehabilitation of Satsurblia Cave access road and its adjoining infrastructure in Tskaltubo Municipality will be completed and the fountain existing in the central park of Tskaltubo will be also be subjected to restoration.
A kindergarten designed for 75 beneficiaries is to be constructed in Khoni Municipality, and 17 village dispensaries are to be rehabilitated, outdoor lighting existing in the municipality is to be replaced with so called LED lighting, historical boulevard of Khoni is to be subjected to rehabilitation; In Gordi and Kinchkhi administrative units, for establishment of additional touristic itineraries, active negotiations are underway with Agency of Protected Areas; potable water supply systems are to be arranged in villages Kichkha and Gordi; construction-rehabilitation of internal roads is to be completed in 2019; coast-protection works for river Tskhenistskali in village Matkhoji are to be initiated at river Gharchela outfall.
According to Maya Tskitishvili, Regional Development Fund will allocate funding to the municipalities for the school rehabilitation project (Zestaponi- GEL 200,000, Tskaltubo - GEL 460,000, Khoni – GEL 410,000) for them to disburse the named amount in accordance with set priorities.