Presentation held on structural changes for effective management purposes

Presentation held on structural changes for effective management purposes
2 October 2018Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia Maya Tskitishvili has delivered the presentation on structural changes, development of human assets and competitions to be announced for vacant positions. The referenced presentation was made for rectors of institutions of high education, representatives of educational field, international donor organizations and of the companies searching for the staff qualified. The competition for the vacancies will be announced for average executives as well as for internationally qualified specialists.
“We have familiarized our partners with the requirements that we have at the Roads Department and the United Water Supply Company of Georgia (UWSCG). One of the main challenges is finding of the qualified staff, specialists that will enable us to schedule and manage our projects properly. We have to make an emphasize also on establishment of modern technologies, transport and water saving matters that are of important significance in our activities. Today we have talked about the vacancies that we will announce in the near future. I would like to call on all interested persons to participate in competitions” – Maya Tskitishvili stated.
Along with the Minister the presentations have been held today by First Deputy Minister, Head of Roads Department Irakli Karseladze and Deputy Minister Grigol Katsia.
The structures of the Roads Department and the UWSCG has been completely renovated within the reorganization held at the Ministry. Available functions were distributed in more efficient manner and the new competencies were added. As a result of analysis there was identified the requirement of enhancement of the fields as follows: engineering-technical, environmental protection, project management and other directions. It is scheduled also the retraining of the employees to be held by means of study courses, exchange programs and practical trainings at successful organizations.
The analysis identified requirement of foreign experts to be involved in daily activities of the Roads Department for long period of time. They will share their theoretical and practical experiences to the employees in various directions as follows: engineering (roads, tunnels, bridges), projects (project management and reporting, design & build), prevention of natural disasters, transport economics and planning of the road infrastructure, maintenance and common repairs, international procurement, management of infrastructural assets, geology and geotechnical engineering, environment and resettlement.
The UWSCG schedules to enhance the geographical information system, establishment of automatic management and selection of proper staff in this direction.
The information pertaining to the vacancies will be uploaded at the webpages as follows: www.georoad.ge; www.water.gove.ge, www.hr.gov.ge and www.jobs. All interested persons may participate in the competition.
The competition will be held pursuant to the Law On Public Service and in full compliance with transparency and concept justice. The process will assist to selection of qualified staff, attraction of high qualified and competitive staff, whose involvement will be of high importance for development and implementation of future plans of the Roads Department of Georgia and the UWSCG.