Temporal Governmental Commission discusses the requirements of villages located adjacent to the conflict zone demarcation line

Temporal Governmental Commission discusses the requirements of villages located adjacent to the conflict zone demarcation line
5 November 2018At the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia (MRDI) was conducted the Meeting of Temporal Governmental Commission for responding to requirements of population, residing in the villages, located in the vicinity of the conflict zone demarcation line. In attendance of the Meeting was Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure Maya Tskitishvili, State Minister for Reconciliation and Civil Equality of Georgia Ketevan Tsikhelashvili, Mayors of Municipalities of the conflict zone demarcation line, Governors of Regions and members of the Commission.
The Temporal Governmental Commission listened to the report on conducted work and scheduled the arrangements to be carried out in the future.
Since 2013 there had been executed the gas supply, road infrastructure and water supply works along with financing of education in above referenced villages. There had been implemented also the works in the fields of health care, agriculture etc.
Provision of gas supply had been finalized in 62 villages, at which up to 14 thousand subscribers were connected to the network, while over 400 subscribers of Zugdidi Municipality were connected to the network within electric supply. Over 12 thousand households of Gori, Kareli, Kaspi, Sachkhere, Oni, Khashuri Municipalities were also assisted within the winterization arrangements.
Aimed at regulating the road infrastructure, there had been conducted the rehabilitation works for approximately 40 km since 2013. There were executed also the bank protection works on which more than GEL 2 million was spent. Out of the Fund, designated for the projects to be implemented throughout regions, there were allocated up to GEL 23 million in various directions. This year, out of the same Fund there is scheduled to be allocated approximately GEL 3,2 million for development of the motor road infrastructure in 5 Villages, located in the vicinity to the conflict zone demarcation line of Gori, Zugdidi, Oni and Sachkhere Municipalities. Up to 10 thousand beneficiaries will benefit from these projects. “This is the format that enables us to learn more of the issues that the population residing in the villages next to the demarcation line are facing nowadays. Today we have made significant decisions. First of all, likewise the previous years, in 2018-2019 up to 1500 students will receive the financing at the amount of up to GEL 3 million by means of study vouchers. We will commence also the second phase of works for provision of water supply that provides for netting of 24 villages. From the referenced point of view there will be spent more than GEL 28 million through which we will finalize these projects and approximately 15 thousand residents will be provided with the stabile water supply. And this is not everything, as we are working actively in various directions in order to improve the living conditions of the citizens residing by the demarcation line” – Maya Tskitishvili stated.
There were arranged and equipped over 20 out-patient clinics in the villages adjacent to the demarcation line. There were conducted also the medical testing of population by outreach brigades and medical supplies were provided as well.
This year there will be allocated approximately GEL 148 000 for arrangement of outdoor lighting in Zugdidi Municipality, Khurcha and Akhalabastumani, and it will have approximately 3 thousand beneficiaries in total. It is scheduled also two bridges in Perevi Village of Sachkhere Municipality to be rehabilitated. Estimated cost of this project amounts to GEL 200 thousand.
There were ploughed, cultivated and seeded 17 thousand hectares of land plots within the program, supporting the small land plot owner farmers. 1152 beneficiaries benefited from the agricultural insurance program, while up to 150 beneficiaries were financed by GEL 655 thousand under the program to support the micro and small industries.
“This Commission has been operating for 5 years already and it has made lots of solutions of significant character, however the remainder issues are yet to overcome. In 2013 we started actually from nothing, but identified the issues and at present we have responded to many challenges by means of total mobilization of all entities. Along with the other topics, we have decided today to proceed with rendering assistance to the households by means of GEL 200 voucher for heating. We talked about the infrastructural projects, water supply and health care issues. Our strategic aim is to render assistance to population that are divided by means of wires and they too to benefit from the activities that the State carries out for each citizen of our country” - State Minister for Reconciliation and Civil Equality of Georgia Ketevan Tsikhelashvili declared.