The launch of Vani archeological museum and Vani old settlement rehabilitation project

The launch of Vani archeological museum and Vani old settlement rehabilitation project
28 May 2016Rehabilitation/ reconstruction works for Vani archeological museum and Vani old settlement entire territory is implemented by Municipal Development Fund of Georgia. Cost of this large scale infrastructural project amount to Gel 14,6Mln and is financed by World bank and Government of Georgia. The project includes complex works which covers the following: Vani archeological museum, old settlement territory, access road and equipping archeological museum. Since 1985 till now museum has not been rehabilitated, after rehabilitation Vani archeological museum will meet international standards and will be one of the most standout museums in region.
Information regarding works commencement was provided by the First Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia, Minister of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia, World Bank’s mission director and MDF executive director. Main objective of the project is to develop infrastructure and create employment opportunities for local population. This rehabilitation will support museums maintenance and development in Georgia, which is significant for culture and education fields more development in country.
For protecting Vani archeological space Vani natural reserve’s improvement works are in progress, in particular covering works for the following fragments of archeological finds: gate, mosaic temple, round temple, upper terrace of chapel, upper terrace of child’s burial ground. Meanwhile pedestrian bridge will be repaired and renovated which connects museum building to archeological zone. Information stands will be arranged within the zone archeological dig, also litter bins and benches will be installed.
At the same time MDF is starting reconstruction of Vani archeological museum. Mentioned project includes reconstruction of Vani archeological museum’s entire building. Within the framework of large-scale infrastructural project old building will be demolished and replaced with new one. Yard planning will be changed, parking space for 27 cars and 2 buss will be arranged, among them 2 parking space will be designated for disabled persons. It is noteworthy that museum will be adapted for disabled people. It will be 4 story building and arrangement of small library, education space, laboratory, café and office for administration is foreseen. Networks of water supply and sewerage system will be rehabilitated. After reconstruction finalization special glass cases and furniture for Vani archeological museum will be purchased.
At the same time the Fund intends to rehabilitate access road up to museum. In 2015 MDF finalized construction of new extension to Vani archeological museum.
By initiative of expedition chief scientist Otar Lortkipanidze Vani archeological museum was established in September 25, 1985. It is noteworthy that most archeological finds are preserved in this museum, Base on revealed rich burial ground inventory on Vani territory in 1987 Golden Fund was opened in museum, which preserves unique samples of jewelry from Vani old settlement. Stationary exposition of Vani archeological museum reflects existed cultural development on Vani territory from VII BC including I century (bronze sculptures, their separate fragments, golden, silver and bronze products, samples of numismatic and etc. )
Rehabilitation is significant exactly for maintaining these unique products in order to give future generation and visitors opportunity of seeing ancient production revealed from architectural dig.