Vice Premier of Georgia Maia Tskitishvili meets with Vice Premier of China Hu Chunhua

Vice Premier of Georgia Maia Tskitishvili meets with Vice Premier of China Hu Chunhua
29 August 2018Vice Premier of Georgia, Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure Maia Tskitishvili has met with the Vice Premier of the People’s Republic of China Hu Chunhua within the framework of the business visit, held in China.
Maia Tskitishvili and Hu Chunhua have reviewed the current condition of bilateral cooperation between Georgia and China along with the future perspectives. The Parties have made an emphasize on significance of revival of the “Great Silk Road”.
As per Maia Tskitishvili, Georgia was one of the first states to join the “Belt and Road Initiative “, as an integral part of it from historical point of view.
It was stated as well that the “Silk Road” Forum had been held in Georgia for two times already and highest interest of international significance towards it made it clear that this was the initiative to get the importance of strategic character. It represents the possibility for all who are interested in more achievements to be made in the fields of commerce, development of infrastructure, as well as access to digital technologies to be increased and relations between people to be expanded.
At the meeting Vice Premier Maia Tskitishvili stated that in tight cooperation with international partners, Government of Georgia makes all efforts to assist to expanding the transport routes and their efficiency within the “Silk Road” to be increased. Simultaneously it is focused on implementation of the projects that will contribute to strengthening of economic and cultural-civilizational links between Europe and Asia.
At the meeting was declared the special importance of the role of Georgia in development of so called middle corridor of the “Silk Road”. Significance of activation of Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway section was also emphasized at the meeting as by means of an alternative route the latter connected the central Asia states with the European network of the railway.
The Parties have made a special emphasize on current as well as scheduled large scale infrastructural projects to be implemented in Georgia.
Maia Tskitishvili has declared that the Government of Georgia makes investments at the amount of milliards of USD in construction of wide network of high speed highways that would assist to the transit potential of our region to be increased and it to become the center from road junction standpoint.
From the point of development of port infrastructure, the special attention was paid to the large scale project of Anaklia Deep Sea Port which will create absolutely new possibilities within the eastern coast corridor of the Black Sea. Vice Premiers have talked about importance of free trade between two countries. It was stated that Georgia is especially attractive country for the investors as together with very favorable investment environment against background of open economy, it has the mode of free trade with China and the European Union (EU) as well as with the neighboring states and the European Free Trade Association.
Maia Tskitishvili highlighted also increase of Chinese investments in our country and talked about impressive rise of foreign trade of Georgia. At the meeting the Parties expressed the hope that along with commercial-economic connections between two countries, relations in the fields of culture, education and technologies will also be more expanded.
“We had reviewed multiple variety of matters and achieved mutual agreement on to proceed with working by means of specially assigned teams in order the referenced initiatives to become reality. We had a talk pertaining to the silk road forum which will be held next year in Georgia for the third time. At the same time, Vice Premier made an emphasize on significance of participation of Georgian Companies and Georgian Prime Minister in Expo that is to be held in Shanghai in November. He declared that better demonstration of own potential will assist Georgian companies in communicating with the Chinese Government and business” – Maia Tskitishvili said.
In attendance of the meeting held between Vice Premiers of two states were: Deputy Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia Genadi Arveladze, Director General of Georgian Railway Davit Peradze and Deputy Minister of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China Fu Ziingi.