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Completion of Rikoti Pass design is planned by this May

17 April 2018

Altogether, the length of the road to be constructed on Rikoti Pass is around 52 km

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Staff changes at the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia

11 April 2018

Newly appointed First Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia is Mr. Irakli Karseladze

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Maia Tskitishvili introduced ongoing infrastructure projects to Resident Representative of the International Monetary Fund

11 April 2018

Minister highlighted the importance of support from international partners in this process and their active involvement in infrastructure funding.

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Maia Tskitishvili - Successful cooperation with donor organizations means implementation of significant projects in a timely and qualitative manner

11 April 2018

Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia held a meeting with the representatives of donor organizations.

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Maia Tskitishvili held a meeting with the Governors and talked about problematic issues of regions

3 April 2018

At the meeting the parties reviewed problematic issues in the regions and ongoing and planned infrastructure projects.

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Maia Tskitishvili and Head of ADB Resident Mission established the plans for future cooperation

3 April 2018

Minister thanked the Director for cooperation and for supporting implementation of the projects that are being carried out through the financial aid of ADB.

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Irakli Karseladze will replace Giorgi Seturidze

2 April 2018

Until now Mr. Karseladze was the Head of Co-Investment Fund.

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New Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia met employees of the Ministry

30 March 2018

Ms. Maia Tskitishvili occupied the position of the Head of the Administration of the Government of Georgia from 2012 until she was appointed on the position of the Minister

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Water supply problem will be solved for 17 villages along the occupational line

28 March 2018

Headworks, where the villages received water supply from, is now on the occupied territory.

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Tsalenjikha will have a new local road

26 March 2018

Improvement of local roads in municipalities is actively underway.

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Zurab Alavidze – Enormous infrastructure projects are planned to be carried out and we are interested that Georgian construction sector meets this process readily

26 March 2018

Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia introduced ongoing and planned projects to the representatives of construction companies.

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Construction of Archeological Museum has started in Mtskheta

13 March 2018

Mtekheta archeological museum under the National Agency of Cultural Heritage Protection of Georgia will be accommodated at the new building from 2019.

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A new road leading to Gergeti Trinity Church is being constructed

12 March 2018

Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia, Zurab Alavidze visited the site. 

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Number of villages of Khobi Municipality will have 24 hour water supply from this autumn

10 March 2018

The project covers construction of a 34 km long water supply network. The works will be implemented in two stages and its cost will be around GEL 1 mln.

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Rehabilitation of a 6km long road section is underway in Zhinvali borough

9 March 2018

The section is important in terms of transit: local, as well as international passenger and cargo transits are made via this section due to which traffic movement is intensive.

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